Thursday, September 26, 2013

Chapters 2 & 3

I found chapter three to be very helpful in finally clarifying the different steps to sort through all the "stuff" in our lives.  I will most likely be using my email as an in-basket, as I find that currently I receive most things electronically.  I hardly receive anything of significance in the mail.  If I decide it is not actionable, I can trash it, store it in a someday folder, or a reference folder using email tools. I think that the majority of tasks will take less than two minutes, and in my case, will either fall into things I need to do or defer, using my online calendar.  These steps seem easy enough.  Allen quickly answered one of the issues I found troublesome: when will I be completing these steps? All at once, one day at a time?  He finds it most helpful to separate these stages as he moves through the day.  The stages described in chapter three in regard to project planning including defining purposes and principles, outcome visioning, brainstorming, organizing, and identifying next actions seem a lot more time complicated.  Although they make a lot of sense, I think viewing them as time consuming stems from a problem I've had with organizing in the past: being overwhelmed by the use of computer related organizing systems like e-mail, calendars, and phones in combination with paper systems like the common in-basket.  I wonder how I'd store all my brainstorming sheets and how I would have them available when necessary.  Perhaps taking these notes on my computer instead would be useful?  Maybe it's something I'll have to work through on my own once I tackle a project.

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