Thursday, November 7, 2013

Chapter 10 Response

Shobna Khunkhun

David Allen spends chapter ten providing techniques and practical tips “to facilitate the natural, informal planning process” (212). When dealing with big projects, besides creating action steps, he also suggests that one creates more detailed action items through the four typical planning step. The four typical planning steps he outlines are brainstorming, organizing, setting up meetings, and gathering information. While the examples he gives are very job/office space related, I found myself relating them to current projects in school such as the project of writing an essay. While the four steps seem obvious and something that one might already do, it was helpful to label and name them because it gives a more concrete plan and sets goals for accomplishing the big project. Additionally he mentioned that “the key is to get comfortable with having and using your ideas. And to acquire the habit of focusing your energy constructively, on intended outcomes and open loops, before you have to” (222). I found that his summed up very well the importance of having and using tools to implement and constantly use ones organizational system.

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