Thursday, November 7, 2013

Chapter 10 Response

In this chapter Allen emphasizes the importance of having control of your projects. This quote really stood out to me: “If you feel out of control with your current actionable commitments, you'll resist focused planning" (212). Yes! This is precisely what happens to me! When I do not feel like I am in control of a situation/problem I do not focus or even try to make it work or better. Also, he mentions a lot of things which are common sense, but hardly ever take them into consideration or better yet into action. I realized this when he mentioned that we should create a "Next Action Now" with things that need to be taken care off right away. I put my hand in my face and smiled sheepishly at my own ignorance. Why haven't I made an email folder with now actions? Because it's too simple. It wouldn't occur to me.

The writing instruments for me are ballpoint pens and colorful sticky notes. I always have extra pens with me whether in my backup, purse or glove compartment of my car. The same also applies for the sticky notes. I sometimes do write what I want to do or something that popped in my hand, but I when don't have a sticky pad or pen, I use my phone's or iPod's notes app. If I lose the note it's gone, but on the case of the electronic notes, I have an app which backups up my notes, so I won't lose them. Like he has mentioned many times I'm order to make this work you must maintain the system by updating it. This is my major challenge.

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