Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Chapter 6 Response

This chapter gets into the nitty gritty. I am going to be honest with myself this is the step that I am dreading. I am afraid of putting all my "stuff" in my "in" basket and not take any action. I get easily distracted, and I will want to do something else instead of actually taking action. Allen mentions that people stack up their pile in front of them in an attempt to get it done right away (Allen 23); however, he advises that things must be done one item at a time. "Process does not mean 'spend time on,'"this quote brings me so much happiness and skepticism at the same time. We are so used to hearing that we should spend hours on something in order for it to be good enough; however, according to Allen we just have to take an action. The action does not have to mean that have to do it right away (another stress reliever!).

I was surprised of how much "stuff" was going into the trash. I had a lot of fashion and beauty magazines that I had under my vanity. I just kept collecting them, but I was not intending to reread them, so I decided to put them in the trash. Although I realized that I had a sentimental attachment to them. From the physical baskets that I have created the most important and useful in my opinion is my reference basket. I collect all my receipts when I use my card, so I like to keep them in order to keep track of my spending. I hope I do not get stuck in one of these projects, and just procrastinate like I always do.

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