Thursday, October 24, 2013

Response to Chapter 8

I found the idea of a weekly review to be helpful, but I am having trouble determining the time/day that works best for me. Like Allen states, his weekend is just as busy as his Wednesdays and I have fallen into the same pattern. I read the chapter last weekend and decided on Sunday evening to process my inbox, however, Sunday became a constant evening of meetings and I did not have a chance to review even my upcoming week. Choosing a different day will be crucial to balancing everything and making sure that I am fully prepared for the week ahead beyond just the calendar. I also found that I have a tendency to cross off items on my someday/maybe list because in the face of all the more pressing items I do not want to add anything else.

1 comment:

  1. I agree I found it's important to review but it's hard to pick a certain day. Maybe it might be eaiser to take it in steps. I tried to review my actions lists at the end of every couple days, just spending a few mintues reviewing that days actions if something needs to be transferred to the following day.
