Thursday, October 24, 2013

Chapter 8 Response

Shobna Khunkhun

I found chapter 8 on reviewing to be an essential notion. The idea of having to review the organizational system seemed very daunting at first but David Allen defiantly sheds light on its importance. The importance of reviewing is that it makes sure your organization system does not stay static. Since there is always a constant influx of new information, tasks, and projects, it’s important for the organizational system so adapt and stay constant with it. The only way to do that is by updating through reviewing. I especially liked the point Allen made as to an organization system will only work if ones brain trusts it, which simply adds to the importance of constant review. The steps to reviewing [first your calendar, then your action list] I found this to be helpful because once you update the big picture-time and date specific information on the calendar it then changes the nitty gritty action steps. If done the other way around, the system would be probably be ineffective.  Overall, the review process is a significant one because it “sharpens your intuitive focus” on projects, action steps and insures that your brain trusts the system and keeps it working.

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