Thursday, October 24, 2013

Chapter 8

In Chapter 8, Allen emphasized on being consistent with weekly review for your system (update). This will allow you to keep on track and allow you to avoid procrastination and over-load on work. During Weekly Review, you are to write down anything that has gathered in your mind in the last week, which includes the workflow management phases; collecting, processing, organizing, and reviewing all your outstanding involvements. With weekly review you will also review the lists that you’ve created and make sure you completed and checked off tasks, like your “Waiting” or “Next Action’’ or “Someday/Maybe” list, you have completed. It’s also a good time to review any build-up of tasks/agendas you may have in one of your categories.
Having started organizing my things, I found that I rarely reviewed my lists. For example, I check my email once every few days (a habit I should break) because I figured I don’t get much email, besides from class. Next thing I know, I have to make an appointment with the financial aid office by the end of this week and see if I missed any review days for my midterm coming up. Then I read chapter 8 and wish I saw this last week. 


  1. I definitely have trouble keeping a consistent schedule, and thus being at the risk of having a beautifully organized system.... That isn't implemented. I definitely agree with the Weekly Review.

  2. Hi Michelle,
    I definitely agree that Weekly Reviews are the hardest things to do because of our hectic schedules, but I believe Allen makes a great point. For me, what works most as a best time to do Weekly Reviews is the end of the week. Say, my last class for the week is on Thursday, so after class, I spend about 15-30minutes running through my 'stuff' doing a Weekly Review. Because it is still Thursday, everything is still fresh (but if I did it on Sunday, then I wouldn't remember half the things I needed to do. And most likely, I might have missed valuable time to work on some 'stuff' during the weekend)
