Monday, October 14, 2013

Chapter 7

             Chapter 7 went into great details in step-by-step format of how to set up tickler files, references, and deal with projects.  For me, the one idea I take away most from Allen is that no matter how we want to categorize our projects (i.e. work project, home project, school project, or etc.), the main idea of categorizing projects is to be able to see the vision of the end project, and to break the project down into Next-Action lists.  Allen's definition of projects in the previous chapters helps ease my mind about my projects: from my understanding, Allen defines projects as anything that requires more than one Next-Action.  But, he stresses the fact that the individual has to be able to visualize the finished project, and keep that in mind while performing Next-Actions. 
            Also, Allen's techniques in managing e-mail based workflows have helped me tremendously.  Before taking this course, I had set up a system to categorize my emails, but I always ended up putting 80% of my emails into a miscellaneous folder.  Now, with @Waiting For, @Action, @etc, folders, it is very much more organized.  And I can log onto my email, and within seconds see what I need to do.  Instead of searching through all my emails, and having to read through them to see what steps I needed to take next.

Another idea I found very interesting is the "Read/Review" because it allows me to essentially star an item that I want to focus more on, but I'm not delegating.  It sounds like I'm referring it, or tickling it, but this "Read/Review" tag is good because it makes sure that I make sure to not only read the "stuff" but review the "stuff." 

1 comment:

  1. For me it is hard to envision the end result of a project because from what I have experienced the end-result never seems to match with my initial view. It could be that I lack confidence in my own organizational system. From our last class meeting most of us seem to have problems regarding our email organization. This is not a problem for me since I have multiple email accounts designed for different purposes. For instance, I have a personal, academic, miscellaneous and another to receive my beauty/fashion updates.

    I also found the "Read/Review" idea really helpful as well. It is essential for us to constantly review our projects in order to keep everything working and flowing smoothly. :)
